
召集人:李宜澤/國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系 副教授





「人類世」(anthropocene)被學者所標舉,成為當代思考人類活動規模對環境衝擊,以及物種議題的背景思維。由原住民取向來思考人類世研究,至少有兩個議題需要關注:一是對人類世延伸「殖民技術」觀點的批判與重建(Chakrabarty 2018);二是「重新連結」與物種以及技術之間的「親屬性」(Whyte 2017)。本論文場次嘗試以原住民以及東台灣取向的觀點,思考在地文化與物種使用之間的歷史與系統關係,如何以人類世的規模重新看待。這篇文章嘗試討論原鄉都市化的南勢阿美族人透過多物種網絡,以分析描述儀式地景的變動。本文討論一方面指出在儀式中變動的物種網絡關係,包括祭司使用的「豬」,年齡階級的「鳥」,以及家戶儀式需要的「魚」;另一方面以「環境變遷」來討論這些多物種網絡,如何受到都市化情境的影響,進而對知識體系產生不同的論述方式。由此綜合來看,環境變遷(氣候與基礎設施變動)下的物質網絡是表現其中一種知識體系,而透過原住民與不同物種形成的親屬性關聯,是另一種知識體系的表現方式;兩者傳遞原住民STS觀點的基礎意涵。本文將討論「物與親屬」在現代情境的變動下,如何回應特定的原住民知識與行動關係。

What objects have to say about conservation

agathe lemaitre 陸澐杉/國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系

Goods, items, artifacts, are so many appellations used to deal with material things or non living materials. Material anthropology has been looking at non living material to observe how they help to understand human societies and what they can tell about individual and collective daily life (Hoskins, 1998). At the turn of the 21century post-humanist theories, such as Actors network theory (ANT)or multi-species theory, go a step further to analyze goods agency, and how they influence humans, induce actions and reactions. In order to better understand the situation of wildlife management in Taiwan, this paper focuses on material token rather than on human or animal actors. The extinction of the clouded leopard in Taiwan has brought scientists to discuss its reintroduction, while the drop of the hawk-eagle population pushes to think about conservation projects. The Austronesian Paiwan are living in the South and South-East of Taiwan, they are traditionally deeply related to the clouded leopard and the hawk-eagle that hold a special place in their culture. The feathers of the eagle and teeth of the leopard have been used on the chief family headdresses, while the leopard skins have been used as a vest by the chief. Today, the leopard items are precious goods, rare and hard to keep in good condition, while the hawk-eagle feathers have become a commodity with a rising price in the black market despite the protective laws. In the context of wildlife management, animal made artifacts and scientific gears that help to monitor animals, are two kinds of goods that are interesting to study to better understand the interrelation of actors, human and nonhuman. In this paper I will wonder how through technical gears and cultural items, the conservationists and the Paiwan try to take part in the production of knowledge and influence the current conservation debates. How the values link to some items bring people to act in some specific ways, or orient their discourse and perception. ANT theory will be used in this research to consider a network of actors, where the material goods will be set as the focal point to observe the other actors’ connections. To complete ANT I will use Graeber theory of value, to analyze the values that are enacted by these goods, and how those values participate in their place in the network by influencing other actors’ perceptions.

農田水利基礎設施、原住民環境治理的行動者網絡: 以花蓮縣193縣道玉里段為例






