
主持人:吳嘉苓(國立臺灣大學社會學系 教授)


張育銓(國立臺東大學公共與文化事務學系 副教授)

口腔癌是近年來男性癌症上升最快的癌症,但是,18 歲以上男性檳榔嚼食率從 2007 年的 17.2% 降到 2018 年的 6.2%,面對這兩種數據上的矛盾,有醫師指出口腔癌有十幾年的潛伏期,現在的發病只是呈現十幾年前的嚼食率,這樣的說法似乎具有說服力,然而,導致口腔癌的因素眾多,為何公部門與公衛主要針對檳榔進行防制嗎?對檳榔的防堵政策是不是隱藏了什麼不想讓你知道的事? 本文透過多學科的文獻耙梳出更多口腔癌的致病因子,釐清政府在口腔癌上沒說 清楚的事,釐清一場以科技知識做為掩飾的醫療政策,有可能為台灣帶來什麼樣的挑戰。



曾凡慈(中研院社會所 助研究員)



Racial Terms in Biomedical Research on Populations in Taiwan: The Case of Journal of the Formosan Medical Association

Joel Stocker 石明人(國立成功大學醫學系暨醫學、科技與社會研究中心 副教授)

Despite a great deal of confusion surrounding the meaning and utility of racial and ethnic categories in medical scholarship in the 21st century (Reardon, 2004), “race still yields tremendous influence on medical research and clinical practice” (Fofana, 2013, p. 1). Biomedical studies of human populations produce and communicate knowledge of supposed racial or ethnic differences, yet “the issue of population descriptors has not attracted enough academic attention outside North America and Europe” (Takezawa et al., 2014). In this paper, in order to provide a detailed understanding of how race and ethnicity have been defined and applied in biomedical research in Taiwan over time, I analyzed original medical research articles published in English from the 1960s to the 2020 in a major medical journal published in Taiwan: the Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. A literature search was performed using Embase, Medline, and SCOPUS databases. Quantitative analysis software ATLAS.ti ver. 9x (ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH) was then used for textual analysis, to code the terms, group the codes into further analytical themes and categories, and analyze them by research article sections to look for shifts in term-usage from section to section, year-to-year, field or subfield of study, populations studied, methodological approaches, and research organizations and author affiliations and networks. In some areas of medical research, a shift has occurred from typological notions of race to statistical notions of difference among populations that are still made in racialized terms. I will discuss how this shift is reflected in some Taiwanese medical research articles, and whether doctors producing, for instance, patient case studies, show, or not, in their writing.

關鍵字:race, ethnicity, medical research articles, Taiwan medical journals