2022 台灣科技與社會年會交通行程 請點
9/17-18年會議程 下載 pdf.
年會場地配置圖 下載 jpeg.
2022 STS年會大會手冊 下載 pdf.


9/17 (Sat)

時間 活動
8:30~9:10 接駁車(花蓮火車站—東華大學)
8:30~9:30 報到
9:40~11:10 第1場
11:10~11:20 休息
11:20~12:30 第2場
12:30~13:50 年會 / 論文獎頒獎 / 午餐
13:50~15:00 第3場(主題演講)
15:00~15:20 茶敘
15:20~16:30 第4場
16:30~16:40 休息
16:40~18:10 第5場 (擺攤/海報)
18:10~20:30 晚宴
20:30 接駁車(東華大學—花蓮火車站)

9/18 (Sun)

時間 活動
8:00~8:40 接駁車(花蓮火車站—東華大學)
8:30~9:00 報到
9:00~10:30 第6場
10:30~10:40 休息
10:40~12:10 第7場
12:10~13:10 午餐(第8屆理監事第一次會議)
13:10~14:20 第8場
14:20~14:30 茶敘
14:30~15:40 第9場
15:40~16:00 休息
16:00~17:10 第10場
17:30 接駁車(東華大學—花蓮火車站)



主題演講:Imitation as Innovation: Framing the History of Technology in East Asia

主持  郭文華|國立陽明交通大學科技與社會研究所教授
講者  Hyungsub Choi (崔亨燮) |Seoul National University of Science and Technology


Hyungsub Choi is an associate professor at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He is spending the academic year 2021-2022 as Soon-Young Kim fellow at the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, UK. Choi is a historian of technology with a broad interest in modern Korea. He is currently working on a book project tentatively titled Imitation as Innovation*.

Innovation is overrated. In recent years, historians of technology have challenged the historical narrative focusing on innovation and novelty, and turned toward ‘technology-in-use’ and ‘maintenance’. Yet, those working on the so-called peripheral regions continue to search for the elusive technological innovations – just as the gold rushers sieved through mud and sand hoping to find precious metal – identifying trace-amounts of innovative technical practices. This project begins from the premise that no innovation occurred in modern Korea. All technologies were importations from or imitations of advanced industrial countries (mostly the United States and Japan). Taking this perspective allows us to see beyond the successful outlier cases and capture the diverse practices that shaped the meaning and purpose of technologies in the postcolonial nation. In the talk, I will discuss several case studies to illustrate this point.

* 閱讀文獻(本檔案為STS年會使用, 請勿廣傳)
1. 《Before localization: the story of the electric rice cooker in South Korea
2. 《Reflections on the Social History of Technology in Modern Korea


「2022台灣科技與社會年會 場地配置圖」