


《東亞科技與社會》國際期刊(East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: An International Journal,EASTS)與編輯在4S學會(Society for Social Studies of Science)獲頒2018基礎建設獎(Infrastructure Award)與動手實踐(Making and Doing)獎,為台灣STS研究大放光芒。

EASTS期刊為科技部補助期刊,創立於2007年,為東亞科技與社會研究的第一本英文期刊。有賴於作者、審稿者與編輯團隊的努力,加上知名國際出版社杜克大學出版社(Duke University Press)的長年合作,使EASTS活耀於全球科技與社會STS研究社群,成為東亞科技與社會研究的學術平台。

在頒獎典禮上,郭文華(EASTS主編,也是本會常務理事)指出EASTS起始於臺灣、日本、韓國與所謂「東亞之外(outside of East Asia,簡稱OEA)」的歷史與科學哲學的學術社群。從期刊發展看,EASTS可說是東亞研究社群的集體實踐,也就是在東亞的脈絡中追尋STS研究的意義。同時,EASTS期刊也反映全球STS研究(global STS)下東亞的關鍵角色。從創立之始,EASTS活耀於4S學會,舉辦國際編委會、論壇和EASTS之夜的交流活動,令學會驚艷。當4S學會已故主席Susan Leigh Star於2007 4S學會年會提及EASTS時,它僅是有別於傳統歐美STS主流的學術園地。但我們期許EASTS不只是「另一本STS期刊」。在提供國際學者合作空間外,EASTS期刊為東亞逐漸成長的學術社群提供超越國家與社會疆界的網絡。



It’s such a great honor for EASTS to receive the 2018 Infrastructure Award.

EASTS—or to give it its full title East Asian Science, Technology and Society—was founded in 2007 with the support of Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology, and it was the first English-language journal dedicated to East Asian STS. On behalf of all our editors, I’d like to say how grateful we are for the prize committee’s enormous efforts, and I’d like to thank all the authors, reviewers, and editorial staff whose work has made our journal a part of the global STS community and a platform for scholars who are working in and on East Asia.

As some of you might already know, EASTS started out as an intellectual network of scholars in the history and philosophy of science, mainly from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and what we used to call “outside of East Asia”, or “OEA” for short. The journal itself came into being as the realization of this collective voice that was seeking the meaning of doing STS in and on East Asia, which is of course a region where emerging science and technology are deeply intertwined with an increasing political and economic influence globally.

Even though we’re a relative newcomer, EASTS has from day one been active in 4S, and in turn 4S has nurtured us. We’ve held editorial meetings, paper sessions, and social activities like “EASTS night”, and in our first decade we’ve widened our scholarship to cover new disciplines and places. I hope we’ve also shown East Asia to be a worthwhile intellectual subject and a meaningful angle to approach global STS from.

To echo this year’s theme, I’d just like to stress the meaning of infrastructure in transnational STS. When the late 4S president Susan Leigh Star was kind enough to mention EASTS at the 2007 meeting, we were one of those STS initiatives that wasn’t based in the traditional STS regions of America and Europe. But we’ve been committed to being more than just another STS journal, and I like to think we’ve provided a space for a growing network of scholars across Asia that’s transcended their various national societies, besides being a space for global scholars to work within. I think this is what we mean when we talk about STS being transnational, and we’re all grateful that our work with the journal has been recognized.

We’ve been enjoying a longstanding and strong partnership with our publisher, Duke University Press, and now that we’re all thinking in terms of building transnational infrastructures it seems the perfect time to renew our global STS mission. New journals like Engaging STS and Tapuya are being welcomed into the 4S family, and new connections and collaborations are being created. Ours is a fast-changing technoscientific world, and one in which East Asia isn’t an outsider but has a permanent seat at the table. EASTS doesn’t aim to provide the ultimate answers to all of STS’s questions; but we do believe that these answers—if they exist—can only be approached and set down on paper by making use of the expanding networks and evolving infrastructures of an STS community that can set out social agendas and create responsive scholarship. To borrow Confucius’s words, we strive for harmony in diversity.

I’m personally very fond of an oft-quoted African proverb: “If you want to walk fast, walk alone; but if you want to walk far, walk together.” On behalf of everyone who’s supported EASTS so generously, I’d like to thank the committee for providing this great opportunity to speak. We’d love to invite all of you to think of EASTS as your intellectual companion. Thank you so much!

感謝EASTS歷任主編的貢獻:陽明大學科技與社會研究所 傅大為教授,台灣大學社會系 吳嘉苓教授。