TSTSA Joints the Collective Efforts to Support Taipei Biennial 2020’s Theatre of Negotiation


TSTSA Joints the Collective Efforts to Support Taipei Biennial 2020’s Theatre of Negotiation

The relationship between Society and Nature has been a topic interesting to the academia since the Environmental Turn in the 1970s and much research also has been done in STS to illuminate the entangled nature of environment, materiality, and human being. In this rare opportunity, we will move away from the campus to the Taipei Fine Arts Museum where French STS scholars Bruno Latour and Martin Guinard have been invited as the curators of the next Taipei Biennial planned for 11.21.2020 to 03.14.2021. Following Latour’s influential publications such as The Politics of Nature (1999), Facing Gaia (2017) and Down to Earth (2018), and the theme of the previous Biennial, “Post-Nature,” the 2020 Biennial will be dedicated to the dramatic ecological crisis the world is facing.

They will work in partnership with local organisers for the public programmes, one of them is the Theatre of Negotiation of which a series of workshops will be co-organised with Taiwanese STS scholars and participated by the students, both undergraduate and postgraduate from five different universities. A joint course “Geopolitics of the Anthropocene” devised by National Chengchi University, Shih Hsih University, National Taiwan University, National Yang-Ming University, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology and Academia Sinica is to be held to collaborate with this rare event. The Course convenors are based in the International College of Innovation (ICI), NCCU and the Taiwanese Association for STS joints the collective efforts to support the event.

TSTSA Joints the Collective Efforts to Support Taipei Biennial 2020’s Theatre of Negotiation

Course organisation team:

  • Paul Jobin
  • Wen-ling Tu
  • Chih-yuan Yang
  • Kai-ling Luo
  • Hsin-hsing Chen
  • Wen-ling Hong
  • Yi-ping Lin
  • Chia-ling Wu
  • Shashank Keshavmurthy

Proposed topics:

  • Food Safety + Security
  • Nuclear Waste
  • Coral Reefs
  • Reproductive Technologies + Population Problem
  • Renewable Energy
  • COVID-19

( by Claude Yang)