The Golden Bell Awards is an annual Taiwanese television production award presented by the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, a division of Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture. This year (2019), its Best Natural Science Documentary Program went to a film series that the Taiwan STS Association took part in and assisted with – Open The S Files: When Science Meets Social Controversies.
Introduction to the series:
The determinate knowledge presently taught in science education classroom is often insufficient. When people encounter environmental risk controversies with high levels of uncertainties. This highlights the fact that in order to develop more reliable scientific knowledge to deal with the external environmental challenges, we require a wider perspective in understanding the contributions and limitations of science in addressing environmental risk disputes. Open The S Files aims to produce and distribute a series of popular science films that capture the major social controversies over recent years and discuss the role of science and technology in these social controversy events, thereby cultivating a deeper understanding of science in the general public and Inspiring the scientific community to develop science and technologies that are more befitting to the needs of society.
You can watch the series with English subtitles online (freemium) or buy the DVD via Facebook Page.